Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Name is Beck

And I'm an antique-aholic.

I go through phases where I just can't get enough time in antique stores! Other years, my obsession goes by the wayside. If you haven't guessed, I've been sucked back in again and I'm once again on a mission. I'm not buying much, but I sure like to look. And take photos.

I love this rustic little piece. It'd make a great night stand in my bedroom!

I've been on the lookout for old luggage lately. These navy blue suitcases are pretty cute!

It's hard to see the scale of this coffee pot, but it's industrial size. I'm still thinking about getting that one since I collect the white enamelware! Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I kinda like this blonde's getup, but she should lose the ugly shoulder bag. No way it goes with 60's mod!

Betty Boop was way before my time, but this is quite a collection!

And Betty was evidently popular in Asia? Can't tell if the comic book is Japanese?

I LOVE this old typewriter. It was on hold. My grandmother had a similar older model that was a permanent fixture on her dining room table. She was constantly typing letters to friends and family, recipes, poems, etc....

Okay, I always see something WEIRD every trip!

One can never have enough Elvis, thank ya very much!

Love this little old table. It could probably be used as a small desk. I think it's what I'd call a marriage because the top is pine, bottom is oak.

Tiaras for princesses!

Here's an old projector. My dad had one just like it. I think it's still at the house along with all the old movies from the 40's, 50's, and 60's. We really need to get those old home movies and have them copied to DVD's. I can still remember the smell of the projector getting hot. My dad taught me to thread it, but I'm not sure if I can still remember. I'll have to try next time I'm back there.

Like the colors in this booth!

I finally found this cute little luggage piece! I'll show you what I'm doing with it later!

And here's the find of the week. We saw this cute old wicker desk in an antique store on Saturday. Craig even liked it. So we bought it and hauled it home. Now I wish I had Grandma Bowman's typewriter to set on it! Wonder what happened to that typewriter?


  1. There are no antique stores here in Juneau. There is a 2nd hand store that I am going to stop at today and see if I can find some cast iron skillets for my daughter. I love the little cosmetic case you found. I am anxiuos to see what you do with it.

  2. My parents had those exact blue suitcases! They were Samsonite and will be the last things on earth after nuclear war along with styrofoam and cockroaches. They weigh a ton!!!

    Can't wait to see what you do with the little case. I am going to be doing some fun things with empty Altoid tins as soon as I find time. Oh, damn this job for taking up all my time!!! :)

  3. Wow, looks like you had a good trip from the pictures. I love the typewriter I learned to type on an old manual typewriter. We had to swap between that and the old selectrics in school.

  4. Chrissy, I bet antiques aren't as easy to come by in Alaska! I need to get up to Scottsdale sometime because I think there are a couple of antique malls I haven't checked out.

    Jana, I picked up one of those dark blue suitcases and they were like armor. No wonder they were in such good shape. Of course, people didn't fly as much when those things were popular, so there weren't gorillas jumping up and down on top of them!

    Bennie, I may start scouting around for an old typewriter! My mother actually taught typing, shorthand, and accounting at the high school level. I do remember fighting over the selectrics in typing class. Sometimes you see old typewriters incredibly cheap. At one point, people were snapping them up to make jewelry with the keys, but I think that craze has ended.

  5. I'll be watching to see what you do with the cosmetic case, too. That's a pretty little desk, Beck. Nice find.

  6. "Surely" he thought, "surely one of those photographs is a self portrait by Becky"

    Now, which one is the self portrait?

