Monday, August 24, 2009

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Craig was here for the weekend -- at least most of it. As he said, he came home to fix stuff! He fixed the garbage disposal, the umbrella by the pool, the flat tire on my bike, and helped me move some furniture. We did find time for an evening bike ride. Saturday's sunset looked very promising for a monsoon storm, but you can guess the outcome! Zippo!

Speaking of the monsoon being a no-show this year, I read India's having much the same problem with below normal monsoon rainfall resulting in poor crop production. I guess the weather is freaky all over the globe. I'm seeing lightning off in the west tonight, but I'm not betting on rain! We need a rain dance!

Craig was off to the airport Sunday afternoon. Can't wait till he's back home Thursday night so he can fix more stuff!


  1. Great photos, Becky! Sorry you're not getting any rain...please take some of ours!

  2. Are you breaking things on purpose just so Craig will come home?

  3. It has been raininf no stop here in Juneau since we got here. 47 will be the high today.

  4. Ann, the clouds mounted up and evaporated again today. Damn!

    Bennie, the weird thing is the house is only three years old. I remember when we lived in an old Cape Cod in Kansas City. Something broke every week when he was gone!

    Chrissy, when I saw 'it's been raining non-stop here', I almost blew my teeth out thinking Scottsdale had all the luck! Then I saw Juneau and 47 degrees. Hope you've got layers of fleece! Rain sounds wonderful right now. 47 degrees -- NOT SO MUCH! Hope you're having a wonderful visit and fishing trip!
