Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Just Chillin'

The boys are both on the road. Of course, Michael's ALWAYS on the road. He called from Ketchum (Sun Valley) yesterday. I'm a little jealous of that! Craig's in Oklahoma this week -- the first time he's traveled in over a year and a half! He calls and taunts me with the description of the warm cookies at the hotel and what he had for dinner. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying having the house to myself. If I clean it up, no one messes it up but me!

The mornings have also been cool enough now to get out and take a long walk before it gets hot! This morning, I walked for a little over an hour and noticed the neighborhood is just busy. New foundations, cranes, and the one really encouraging fact is that the neighborhood in the half-mile section next to us is once again under construction. The developer went bankrupt, but evidently, a new developer has purchased the land and is building homes once again. Just from the looks around our immediate area, I think the economy IS turning around! Foreclosures continue to be a problem, but there are encouraging signs!

I'm off to the movies today. I'm thinking Time Traveler's Wife? I'll let you know what I think!

Remember this old song?

Rest assured, the house is quiet, but I'm not sitting around crying! (But I wish he'd bring me home some of those cookies on Friday!)


  1. Love that song!! Where in OK is Craig? You know Tulsa is my hometown. :) You and Saby behave yourselves and let me know how the movie is. I'd like to see it, too.

  2. Jana, Craig's around Oklahoma City this week. He said they had bad storms last night. The movie was great! I didn't like it quite as much as Julie and Julia, but they're two different type movies. (No hot sex to speak of with Julia Child!) I'm behavin', but that damn Saby always wants to go for a walk. What's with THAT? HA!

  3. OMG, I haven't thought of that song in years! I always thought she did a good job with it. I think you may be right about the economy being on the upswing. The outlet mall was packed this weekend, so people must have money to shop! Hopefully, Craig will bring home some of those cookies for you!

  4. I have not heard that song in years. Enjoy the break from the "one less man to clean up after".

    I'm having dinner at Beach's in your honor tomorrow night!

  5. Oh my God Bennie! I am SO jealous!!!

  6. Deb, it's just kind of weird. The number of foreclosures are still going up, but so are the new construction starts. And unemployment is still really bad, but everyplace I go, people are buying! I guess the economy has to pick up and then jobs will follow. But it looks a lot more positive from my viewpoint.

  7. Thanks for the movie recommendation, Beck. I enjoyed the book and plan to see the film. I've missed your blog. It's good to be home for a few days!
