Monday, August 17, 2009

Chalk and Mirrors

Remember my trip to the antique mall on Friday? I was there specifically to find a couple of items I could use to try a chalkboard project I'd seen in a decorating magazine. According to the article, old trays, pie plates, mirrors, etc... could be made into decorative chalkboards. It sounded easy enough!

At the antique store, I found a little wicker mirror for $4 and a white enamelware rectangular pan for $7. I already had an old mirror in a frame I also thought would work well. Throw in a $3 can of spray chalkboard paint from Walmart and a $1 can of spray primer, and that was all I needed.

Saturday morning, I decided to get 'er done. The mirrors were the easiest to do because there was no preparation involved. I simply removed the mirrors from their frames, then sprayed them with 1 coat of primer and 3 coats of the chalkboard spray. The rectangular enamelware pan was slightly more work because I had to tape off the rectangular area to be sprayed and cover the rest of the white pan with newspaper. But the entire project only took a few hours to complete, including time spent waiting on the different coats of paint to dry.

Formerly the wicker mirror, this one will probably end up hanging on the kitchen wall by the pantry.

This one was created from an old mirror I bought a few years ago. It's now hanging in the guest bedroom. Of course, the beauty of all these is that they can be changed anytime with a little piece of chalk. Craig suggested 'Don't unpack' would be a good slogan since it's the guestroom!

This one, on top the kitchen cabinets, is the rectangular white enamelware pan.

Now I'm thinking about all the old trays, pie plates, and mirrors in the house that I could renovate. Craig is getting very very nervous. He told me Saturday that he thought the three pieces were enough! Who knows, when he returns on Friday, I may have turned the big powder bath mirror into a huge chalkboard with bano written in 15 different languages! : ) Whatta ya think? Or maybe Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?

Be afraid! Be VERY afraid Craig! Middle-aged crafter gone wild! HA!


  1. What great ideas! My Dad was into stained glass for some time and made me all kinds of pieces that I use dry ink markers to leave notes on.

  2. Those are great ideas! I keep saying I'm going to do some things like this....maybe this winter...

  3. I'm glad I got that done on Saturday because I'm uninspired to do much now! HA! I was going to learn how to make soldered charms, but now I think I'll just buy some off Etsy!

  4. I Love Craig's sense of humor. I like the "Don't Unpack" idea.

  5. Bennie, don't tell anyone, but I think he means it! HA! He does have a really droll sense of humor. Actually, we both do!

  6. Three is just the beginning of a collection! Keep going.

  7. Barbara, I have that obsessive compulsive collecting disorder! Some day, I'll have to open my own antique store to get rid of all of it!
