Friday, June 5, 2009

A Vivid Thursday Sunset

Phoenix is known for its sunsets! And they get much more dramatic when we have stormy skies! Last night we hopped on the bikes so I could snap some photos of the sunset. Earlier, a dirt storm had blown through, so I'm sure that pollution made the sunset even more vivid!

The sunset started out with ribbons of pink in the southeast.

I guess it would be a sailor's delight, because the sky was certainly red tonight!

In the west, the sky looked really fiery.


  1. Cool photos, Becky! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Welcome home, Becky! What a spectacular sunset you came back to. Sorry about the people on your flight.

  3. How Beautiful! And I love that SONG too.

    Welcome home! Your not in Kansas anymore.

  4. Thanks everyone! I think the sunset WAS just for me! The clouds were ushering in a new front that has brought us a cold wave. Our temps will drop into the mid to hi 90's for the next few days! (whoop ti doo) I took a long swim in the pool this morning and I'm NOT in Kansas anymore!

  5. That first picture is how I think of a sunset in the west, very pretty.

  6. I envy you those beautiful sunsets. We very rarely get them in Texas. Great shots!
