Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm Baaaaack.

I'm back and the watermelons I bought before I left are still good! I can't believe it. Fresh and Easy (get your mind out of the gutters) had regular size melons for $1.98 apiece on Memorial Day weekend, so I bought three!

The plane ride back was rather bizarre. I was seated next to a little old lady (I'd estimate mid-80's) who was reading a periodical with stories about real life Angels. A religious magazine. Seated in back of us were two couples from Tulsa who wanted to impress everyone on the plane with their coolness.

Since one guy was seated across the aisle, they were yelling their constant conversation back and forth the entire ride. And it was all fairly foul, even before the drinks got rolling. One of the guys was bragging about his female neighbor who didn't have any grass on the playground. Words like labia, braided hair hanging to the knees, etc... were being thrown back and forth. I was trying to finish my Jodi Picoult book, but the way the seats were staggered, the guy across the aisle was yelling in my ear. The little lady next to me would grimace with every foul/obscene word and phrase. And it escalated to shit's, asses, etc... as the drinks multiplied. I'm not exactly a nun, but it got downright annoying. When you're in a bar or restaurant, you can move. They were headed to Reno for their big gambling trip -- supposedly staying in a $2000 a night suite. They were all trying to impress with big talk about expensive resorts in Phoenix, Lexuses in the garage, million and a half dollar houses -- but somehow it was lost on me! HA! And the $2000 a night suite? I went to a retirement party in Reno about five years ago, and it wasn't Vegas. Craig and I thought it was kind of the poor man's Vegas, but maybe it's changed since then?

When the plane was headed down on its final descent into Phoenix, one of the dumb broads suddenly remembered she really had to 'pee'! She yelled (and I do mean YELLED) at the flight attendant -- Can I go PEE? A male and female flight attendant both told her to stay seated and to wait until everyone deplaned. The minute the wheels touched the runway, she tried to bolt from her seat and run down the aisle to the back. Fortunately, one of the husbands grabbed her and told her to sit down or they'd have security on that plane dragging her off. She then started yelling Clean up on Aisle 10! mixed with other obscenities. And the poor little old lady next to me would grimace with every foul word.

Some people -- you just can't take them out anywhere! Anyway, we were all relieved to get off the plane and away from Miss I'm Going to Reno. I usually travel with earplugs, but this was the one time I forgot them! And I also couldn't find my I-Pod before I left, so there was no escaping that obnoxious crew.

Well, I need to get off the computer and do something!!! Craig had the house all picked up and cleaned when I got home last night. What a guy! : )


  1. How annoying those people were!Don't you just love it when everything gets cleaned up? When I went to my Mom's Alan cleaned & did laundry before I got home--unfortunately, he threw everything in together & some stuff really should be done in cold water--he washed all in hot! Can't complain, though since he did it....

  2. creepy story but excellent watermelon foto

    this would be just the greatest planet to live on if it weren't for the excess humans and for some reason they always end up on my airplane

    just like you huh?

  3. Geez, don't you hate it when you get seated by those kind of people?? You just want to turn around and ask them if they really are the idiots they sound like. You needed the mean flight attendant that Wayne talked about on his blog! She would have put them in their place!

  4. I was kind of surprised that the flight attendants didn't ask them to keep it down during the flight since they were drunk and truly obnoxious. But it was Southwest and they've had some bad P.R. from flight attendants intervening with passengers. Wasn't there an episode last year when they made a woman get off a plane because her clothes were too skimpy?

    Ann, fortunately he didn't do any of my laundry! Ha! Scott -- exactly. I wish they'd just fly me by myself and let me lie down in the exit row across the seats. By the way, I went to the john and either I've doubled in size, or they're actually making them smaller?

    And Deb, I thought about asking them to keep it down, and then just decided not. Sometimes, that ends up in a big brawl -- especially when they're drunk. But the conversation was so gross, I couldn't believe it. At one point, I thought about turning around and saying TMI! (Am I starting to sound like my mother?)

  5. Oh, my....I sincerely apologize for the entire city of Tulsa, my hometown. I feel pretty certain that those people were really from Muskogee or something, but if not...well, please know that type of behavior is NOT acceptable by Tulsa standards.

  6. Jana, LOL! I'm sure they were Tulsa pretenders. They were probably from Kansas. There was also lots of talk about Botox, spa treatments, alcohol and tingling labias, Brazilian waxes, etc....

  7. Wow, how gross. You know, in all the times I've flown, I've really only encountered extreme rudeness amongst drunks once, and that was last year on a commuter plane to Buffalo. The flight attendant handled the guys really well, as they were overly friendly to her as well as being loud and obnoxious. But the crude comments you describe? Nobody should have to listen to that. I hate seeing people make such fools of themselves.

  8. Oh My God. I travel all the time and don't get entertainment like this. Not that I'd have wanted it anyway.

    If they were staying in $2000 a night rooms let me tell you they'd have had First Class seats on that plane. You are correct Reno is a Poor Man's Vegas. I was there a year ago and I had the same impression. Now Lake Tahoe on the other hand, that's another story.

  9. Bennie, I was slightly amused, then shocked, then just grossed out. I didn't realize Tulsa was over a 2-hour flight, and it was a long 2 hours!

    Sue, I truly thought the flight attendants would do something, but I'm wondering if Southwest is holding back now after a few strange incidents (like kicking the woman off because they judged her outfit too skimpy) and some of the publicity they've gotten. I'm just glad I wasn't continuing on to Reno!
