Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tumbling Tumbleweeds!

It's been W-I-N-D-Y around here lately! When I got off work on Friday, we were in the midst of a big windstorm. As I got closer to home (out in the boonies), there were loads of tumbleweeds blowing across the road. Some of them seemed half the size of my VW Bug! YIKES! So I was dodging tumbleweed battalions. It felt like I was playing a video game. Too bad I didn't have a video cam mounted on my hood! If you're in an SUV and you hit the tumbleweeds at 60 mph on the interstate, you're fine because they literally explode. But if you're going 40 mph in a VW Bug, they tend to get caught under the car and drag, etc.... So I don't like hitting them! After the storm, we noticed loads of tumbleweeds piled up against walls in the area. I took the photos below over in the park.

Tumbleweeds must be a Western thing because I never remember seeing them where I grew up in eastern Kansas. I never even knew what they were until my husband took me to see his family in western Kansas the first time!



  1. Great Pics Beck. I haven't had to deal with tumbleweeds in years. They had them in West Texas but not where I was in central Oklahoma. So we must have just missed out in our youth.

  2. Nothing like that here in NE!

  3. I first saw tumbleweeds when I was in OK on a Nortel writing assignment. Our photographer brought one home on the plane - it sat in the empty seat beside him! Bet you couldn't get away with that now.

  4. That would really freak me out while driving! Those things are HUGE!

  5. Every year Craig and I say we're going to make a tumbleweed snowman at Christmas. I've seen them sprayed gold or white and they look cool. (But the snowman might blow away!)

  6. What a great idea a Tumbleweed Snowman.
