Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cactus in Bloom

Aren't these prickly pears just amazing right now! The blooms are beautiful! But a note of warning! They don't call them prickly pears for nothing! We bought one at the nursery a few years ago. It had the little nubs on it that signaled it was putting on new growth. I bent over it when I was placing it in the back of the SUV. Oh my God! I suddenly realized I had the little stickers all over my shirt, chest, and upper arm. By the time I was a block down the street, I realized they were in my bra and you can guess where else! I was screaming all the way home wanting to rip my clothes off. I spent hours with the tweezers trying to pull the stickers out of me. I think it took a week for all the embedded ones to work their way out. Ouch!


  1. Ouch is right! There is one of these cactus in front of the building where I work and it has big red nubs on some of the "leaves" (I don't know what the proper name is). I keep thinking they'll blossom or do something but they never do. I check them out every day and they always look the same.

  2. Beck - You had me howling at your story of brining this cactus home and having the stickers all over your blouse, bra and other areas.

    I'm sure that's a ride you'll never forget.

  3. That is gorgeous! If I ever see one I'll be sure to keep a safe distance.

  4. They are such a pretty plant but did you know that they destroyed all the prickly pear cacti here to control a moth invasion that threatens the entire crop of Mexico? http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6387508
    They come around often to check for cactus plants, and if they find any, they take them or destroy them - and they give you another plant in its place (we have baby palms from them). You can see the traps planted around the island, where there are open areas of plants (i.e., along the east coast).

  5. Sue us right. The bug has been eradicated on the island now but they are not taking any chances. Even so, one of my neighbors disdainfully planted some stating that he will do what he wants with his yard! As for the stickers, if you get them on your hands, rub them through your hair. My Mexican friends tell me it works everytime. I, of course, would just end up with stickers on my scalp!

  6. We've also seen these plants used as noxious barriers to keep people out of citrus groves around here! They only look gorgeous this time of year. Bennie, it was a very memorable 20 minute ride home. Wayne and Sue, that's very interesting. I do remember seeing some of these on Isla once upon a time. And Wayne, I'd never try that remedy! My luck, they'd end up in my eyes! The stickers really are terrible. Jeanie, the stickers even blow in the wind down here! And Deb, I think the big red nubs are the bud for the bloom because I remember seeing them awhile back.
