Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Weekend Update

Richard continues his lei tour of the Hawaiian Islands,

the petunias are abloom,

the desert hibiscus are wildly blue,

and Miss Saby got her groove back!

She's all clean and fluffy now!

And what would the weekend update be without a rant! When will the Bumpuses fly back to their summer nest? Not soon enough! Actually, I call them the Bumpuses, but they're a lot like the Beverly Hillbillies. They let the cement pond go green last summer!

Anyway, that damn hillbilly neighbor of ours gets up before dawn and makes cellphone calls right outside our open bedroom windows. Before 6 a.m. On and on and on. Yeah, I'm out in the hot tub now. No you're not -- you liar! You're standing next to our wall on the side of your house! Then he and his visiting bud have a loud hee haw out by their pool around 6 a.m. -- hooting and laughing it up. This morning, I clapped my hands at him like some old school marm -- but he still didn't shut up!

The mass hole also parks his decrepid pickup truck directly in front of our house so there's no place for our guests to park. And works on cars in his garage at the crack of dawn -- in violation of numerous city ordinances and neighborhood regulations. He's bringing in wrecked cars, restoring and selling them. Corvettes. Nice and quiet when he revs them up. We missed the big showdown, but evidently some neighbor sicked the authorities on him -- the state motor vehicle department for not licensing the cars in the State of Arizona, the cops for running a business out of his home in violation of city code, and the HOA. (Smirk smirk smirk -- and it's not us!) According to the neighbor on the other side, both the state and local cops visited his house in the past two weeks. I guess I do a poor imitation of Mrs. Cravitz since I missed it all!

Craig, always the voice of calm, assures me that the snowbirds will be flying back to their summer nests in another month. (Actually Craig bitches as much as I do about them!)

Terrorized by tight lots! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


  1. Sorry you have problems with the neighbors! That's one of the nice things about living in the country--we can't see any of our neighbor's houses from ours!

  2. Oh, my God, I feel so sorry for you. I can't imagine living next to a bunch of "Bubbas." I live in a neighborhood where we have almost nothing to do with one another and I thought that was bad...but I'm counting my blessings after reading your post...especially since my neighborhood is very quiet (expect for the stupid barking dog next door every time I make a sound). I actually talked to a real estate agent today about putting my house on the market to move closer to where I work. But now I'm having second thoughts! You never know who your neighbor is going to be...until you're there!

  3. Deb, fortunately the people are snowbirds, so they leave in late March and are only back a few times until November. And the homeowner's association takes care of the crap when they get out of line. Fortunately, I think we have someone in the neighborhood now who knows how to get things done. Tee hee. But they are definitely BUBBAS! And Deb, if you're serious about wanting to move and real estate's still okay in your area, you might want to go ahead and do it. Right now in Arizona, most people can't sell or rent their homes.

    Ann, we've always had to contend with neighbors. It was worse at our last house in Washington State. But we always end up with other neighbors that make up for all of it!
