Saturday, March 7, 2009

Desperately Seeking Sunny Dawn!

Craig and I were having coffee the other morning when he flipped this article over to me. I think his words were something like -- does she look like someone I'd seek out for serious career/financial advice? Ummmm. She kind of looks like she might give a good massage? I love the way she's sex kitten barefoot with the nice pedicure, foot tattoo, and 4 inches of cleavage.

All you desperately unemployed people in Phoenix -- meet Sunny Dawn Johnston! Forget all the networking and job fairs! Sunny Dawn has the answers!

This article was featured in the Phoenix Business Journal. And I guess they were serious since it's supposed to be a serious business publication? Sunny has seen a big upswing in her business from people struggling financially, looking for guidance. The article recommends astrology and Sunny Dawn because she can give the dates when things might get better and/or what type of career one should pursue! With soaring unemployment rates in this area, I guess any charlatan will do!

Speaking of astrology, while eating kung pao chicken at the local Chinese restaurant yesterday, I got my Chinese horoscope off the placement. I'm a Snake! Hiss hiss! Craig's a Rabbit.


  1. Too bad I missed going to Sunny Dawn when I was looking for a job. I'm sure she would have solved all my problems. Actually, it's pretty sad that people like this can benefit from others' misfortunes in a time of "desperate people taking desperate measures."

  2. Oh I just love this post... I guess we are to the point of using our horiscopes and stars to find jobs these days.

    I'm with you and Craig. I go the more traditional route for financial and career advice.

  3. Sunny Dawn looks like she could solve a different kind of problem. Ha! The economy and job market are horrid around here, so I guess people will grasp at anything.
