Friday, February 13, 2009

Shades of Valentine's

It's almost Valentine's Day! I thought I'd spread some shades of red!


  1. It's always great to go on the computer in the morning & find a wonderful new post on your blog! Do you do alot ahead & scedule them?

  2. Oooh - pretty! I agree with Ann about reading your blog each morning. Always a treat!

  3. You are my first stop every morning too! Happy Heart Day!

  4. Thanks to my good gal pals! Funny how you get to be good friends with people online that you've never met in person. One of these days, we can meet up on Isla!

    Ann, I start the drafts when ideas come to me, so I have a lot of unfinished posts sitting there. A lot of them remain in that file. Maybe someday I'll post some of the 'seconds'! I did this post last night when I saw a draft with red-hued photos. The light bulb finally came on -- tee hee.

  5. Of course I like the one with the mannequin heads :-)

    And I recognize the bar at Playa Sol and that is an older picture, Sergio got rid of that British style booze bottle holder a year or so ago (I think)

    Definitely red red red today

  6. Scott, the Sergio's umbrellas are from 2005, and I think the bar pic was 2006. The mannequin heads are from a store on a side street off Medina. Happy Valentine's! Keep on tweakin'!
