Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Please don't associate this choice of song with my grade school Valentine's pic. SO inappropriate. I just heard the song on the radio the other day, and now I'm singing it to the dog. (Substitute 'Saby' for Baby!)

Valentine's Day has always been a WEIRD holiday for me. The first year we were married, we were in a bad car wreck on Valentine's Day and I broke my back. I ended up spending six months in a brace that had steel girders on the front. Kind of hard to find clothes that fit. (I fell in love with elastic.) Anyway, that was one bad box of chocolates that year! (Not to be too graphic, but they ended up on the hospital emergency room floor.)

This is the year I had the mumps on Valentine's Day! I remember some boy from my class bringing a large decorated sugar cookie to my door. That was so sweet! My first admirer? I realize now his mother might have been the room mother and they hand delivered me a cookie from the school party. Anyway, my mother made me the Queen of Hearts that year. And it looks like my brother had a fat lip! Wonder if I injured him leaping around in a sugar high? Or maybe it was sibling abuse! Ha!

Hope everyone gets a GREAT box of chocolates this year! Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Sorry to hear about your sad Valentine's Days. I've never been a big Valentine's Day person. Today I got flowers from one of the professors I work with...and an E-Valentine's day card from someone I'd least expect it from. So you never know. Hope this V-Day will be much better for you...and suspect it will.

  2. I love Valentines Day. Mr. Wonderful proposed to me five years ago tomorrow. I love the pic of you and your brother but can't help but wonder how great the ubiquitous angora cap would look with that outfit.

  3. Deb, we have a low key Valentine's Day planned. Maybe lunch at an Italian deli. Flowers from a professor! And a surprise admirer! You're a lucky girl!

    Moonie, LOL. I'm thinking my mother had little angora hats in different sizes for me. There was also a fake fur muff. (That sounds questionable!!!) And Mr. Wonderful is WONDERFUL!!! Definitely a keeper!

  4. Tim proposed to me on Valentine's Day 2002. He put the ring in a cowbell - we were living together, and he had a percussion set-up in the study. Still does, in fact.

    When I was in first grade, my picture was in the paper for V Day. The photo was staged. A boy in my class (I still run into him sometimes in my hometown)was passing me a big construction-paper heart across the aisle in the classroom. You could see only the backs of our heads. I think my parents still have that picture in a scrapbook. Will have to find it and scan. I'd forgotten all about it till your story, Beck.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  5. Vee, every time I'm home I grab a few photos from the drawer to scan. I love old Brownie shots! Hope you and Tim have a wonderful Valentine's Day!
