Saturday, February 21, 2009

If You Saw These People

If you saw these people in a lineup today, what would you think? The men look a little scary. Truthfully, they look a lot like some of the homeless men who lived under the Alaskan Way Viaduct in Seattle. I'm hoping those beards were in vogue back then! Anyway, they are my ancestors. The guy in the back row on the far right side is the direct link. Mathias Bauman. Four of the brothers served in the Union Army during the Civil War, including Mathias. When their parents died, Tina, the only sister, evidently had charge of the purse strings. She caused her own little Civil War. She disinherited Mathias because he changed the spelling of his last name to Bowman after the war. Actually, the U.S. government changed the spelling of his last name to Bowman on his Civil War pension, and Mathias just wanted to make sure he got his checks! That Tina must have been a real witch!

If you look at the scroll above, they all lived fairly long lives! That's really remarkable considering four of them served in the Union Army and the average life expectancy was much lower then than today.

Now here's the scary thing! Every man in that picture has the same exact nose! Even Tina has that nose! And if I showed you a picture of my father in his later years, you'd notice he had the same nose! Uh - oh. I should photoshop that nose onto my face and see how I'm going to like it!

(Uh-oh. Maybe I already HAVE it!)

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