Saturday, January 17, 2009

Some Saturday Snaps

I'm at my mother's. She's old school and doesn't own a computer, so I'm blogging courtesy of the Palmer Family Network. Sounds like some old time family religious show! But thank you Mr. and Mrs. Palmer for being neighborly and not securing your wireless network. (And I hope you don't do your banking online!)

I snapped a few photos of some older homes in Larned, Kansas while we were there and used some photo editing gimmicks.

Craig says this old stone home was built in the same style as some of the old buildings at Fort Larned. So I assume it almost dates back to the same era.

This lovely old brick home has a lot of gingerbread! It originally belonged to the town banker, but I'm not sure who lives there now. I'd love a tour!

And this is the home where Craig grew up. It's really in bad shape now. The porch railings are missing and the paint's almost gone. Sad. But the house is OLD. It dates back to the late 1800's. I remember the beautiful original wide plank wood flooring, old kitchen cupboards, wrap around porch, etc.... We still have a copper lightning rod from the roof that we saved after the home was sold. I hope someone restores the old beauty someday!


  1. Love the new header photo! The house with the gigerbread is wonderful--I like those wrap around porches.

  2. Lovely homes. I also hope someone restores Craig's childhood home. We have lots of gingerbread in our neighborhood. Pretty to look at, but expensive to paint all that trim! Hope you have a nice visit with your mom.

  3. I love old houses. I want to tour them all - they are always full of little nooks and crannies and neat little places to tuck things or just hide out.

  4. I love those old houses, as well. They have so much more character than the houses today. (Except for the closets...which are typically about the size of a large suitcase.)

  5. Quaint, rustic, nice

  6. I love those old houses. Especially farm houses. Wouldn't you love to just knock on thier door and ask for a tour!

  7. Thanks everyone. And Steve -- please put me on the list for the action figure doll!
