Friday, January 16, 2009

Notes from the Road

Thanks to everyone for your condolences. Craig's mother's funeral was yesterday followed by a graveside service in the snowy bitter cold at a small Kansas country cemetery. Not a good day for a funeral, but there's NEVER a good day for something like that. We spent part of today taking care of legalities and dividing up some of the memories. We headed out this afternoon to my mother's house on the opposite side of the state. We'll start the journey back to Arizona on Sunday morning.

Saby once again got to ride along. At the last minute, I just didn't have the heart to board her. But -- she's just incorrigible. The mild-mannered sweetheart who used to sit politely in the back seat waiting patiently for the moments when Craig would open her window and let her stick her head out now has a new bad habit. She shoves her way forward and balances with her paws on the front console to get a better perch. I try to be the enforcer to keep her in her proper place, but Craig pets her while she's there! So she's won the battle. Fortunately, her legs get tired and she has to return to back window gazing.

When we pulled into Larned on Tuesday evening, I snapped a photo of the amazing Kansas sunset. It almost felt like a message from Craig's mother.

Happy trails to all and I'll see ya when I see ya! :)

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