Thursday, December 4, 2008

An Unexpected Road Trip

We got word yesterday that Craig's mother had a massive heart attack and was airlifted from her small town to Hays, Kansas on Wednesday morning. After considering the best way to get there, we decided to throw our bags and the dog in the car. We left Phoenix about 5:00 p.m. We arrived in Albuquerque around 11:30 p.m. last night, slept for about 6 hours, and drove the rest of the way today. After talking to Craig's sister from the road, his mother's doing better than expected. So we're happy about that and hoping for the best.

It's easy living in Phoenix to forget what four season climates are really like. Sometimes when I'm a little homesick for Washington I wonder whether I really like living in Phoenix. But all it takes is a road trip north between November and April to remind me how much I hate leaving Phoenix this time of year. It was 75 and sunny when we left the house yesterday. These photos were taken in New Mexico today. And they're color, not black and white! Gloomy and cold.


  1. I hope Craig's mother is doing well and has a speedy recovery. I have been to Hayes, Kansas, as some of my ex's family lived there. Or was it Mays? I think it was Hayes...but aren't they right next door??

  2. Don't know nuttin' about Mays, Kansas Moonie! :D But Craig was laughing because he read in some online survey awhile back that a little town just south of here (Levinthal?) was one of the top places in the U.S. for retirees. HUH? Uhhhh . . . no comment. But that town does have a beautiful church. We passed it earlier tonight in the dark and I want to go back and get pictures of it.

  3. Hope Craig's mother continues to improve!

  4. I've also been either to Hays or Mays. I remember those two towns from a business trip in the 1980s. My destination was Bison, Kansas, and I think Hays was the county seat? Anyway, I hope Craig's mom will be okay.

  5. Sites from your road trip are so beautiful.
