Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Blast from Christmas Past!

A friend shared this photo of me on Santa's lap. (Thanks Jenny!) For some reason, the picture was in her family collection, and it's one I'd never seen in my family's photo drawer. Since it was taken in my little hometown, I'd love to know who was playing Santa! My friends think Santa's sleigh swooped into the Methodist Church for photo ops. My family was Baptist and I don't remember Mr. Claus ever being inside those doors, so we must have gone to the Methodist Church to sit on Santa's lap. I actually can't believe I'm being so cooperative in the picture. I'm guessing I'm eyeing a candy cane or the sugar cookies and punch! And I think, once again, I'm wearing the famous little white angora hat.


  1. Beck I need to you still have the hat?

  2. For some reason I was thinking this was an event at the high school. Maybe there is a note on the back of the picture about the location? However, it does look like the decorations on the typical Methodist Church Christmas tree. Don Farrington was Santa at the Methodist Church for years, but this doesn't look like him. I'm sure Daddy took the picture. We must have been in line together and he just decided to snap the picture. I'm glad he did, because it is one of my favorites!

  3. Jeanie, I don't have the hat! My parents moved several times after my childhood, so all that stuff was given away. And Jenny, I think you and Judy told me it was at the Methodist Church. It'd make more sense if it was at the high school. I thought Presbyterians were the only ones who had Santa Claus show up! :D
    I'm looking at this from the Hampton Inn in Albuquerque. Coughing and hacking. Maybe it'll be light when we leave so I can see some scenery (cause the scenery ain't gettin' any better)!

  4. Cute photo, Beck. Sorry you're still sick. I'm having sinus problems, which is unusual for me. Take care and Happy Travels!

  5. That's one of my favorite versions of that song. It always makes me think of "Home Alone."

    You look like a little mischief one on Santa's lap! lol

    Get better soon!

  6. Becky, you know Judy and I will tell you almost ANYTHING! Just kidding. I'll look and see if I can find any of those pictures and look on the back again and see if it says the picture was taken at the high school or at the Methodist Church.

  7. Jenny, anything except who was in the front seat that night. ja ja ja
