Monday, December 1, 2008

Somebody's Moody!

Michael left today after almost a month in Phoenix and Saby went into a depressed funk. Kind of a surprise after her dancing elf moves yesterday. :) She loves it when Michael's around the house since she used to live with him. And she definitely knows what it means when she sees luggage being packed and wheeled out the door.

Once Saby noticed the camera, she decided to turn her best side to me.

And here she's giving me the look!

Saby spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon hiding, but when we returned from an afternoon trip to the pharmacy, she greeted us at the door feeling all better.

And once she got a treat, she was in Saby Heaven!


  1. What a sweet doggie she is - even showing her best side.

  2. Quite a photogenic pooch you have there...and looks like she is quite talented at pulling on the ol' heart strings. What a sweetie.

  3. Saby is so cute! What personality in that little face.

  4. Saby sure knows how to play you! Lucky dog, lucky mom!

  5. I'll relay the compliments on to Saby! And she really does know how to play it!

  6. An adorable pooch! They all know how to play us!

  7. Her eyes are so sad in those first pictures. Loco does the same when I'm packing my suitcase. Since I don't really pack much, I try to leave it until the day I'm leaving, but he knows what's going on and just mopes on the floor. And then he perks up by the next day. Yup, those dogs know what's going on. Glad Saby perked up so quickly! And you? Did you mope after Michael left too? :-)

  8. Actually Sue, I hate to say it, but I'm not really moping. It's always nice when Michael visits, but Mom's always happy to see him back out in the big wide world again! What's that old line in that Carpenter song -- "One less man to pick up after." And I'm laughing because he said he couldn't wait to get back out on the road again with daily maid service and that nice company expense account for fine dining. This last visit, he was here for almost the entire month since he was working around Phoenix. But he's usually just around for a week every other month. He'll be back in mid-December for Christmas!
