Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A December Afternoon

Early December 2005, post-Wilma, was my absolute favorite trip to Isla Mujeres. The streets were washed clean, the buildings repainted, and the tourists were sparse. It was almost like being in a time warp. No daytripper boats, very few people on the beaches, and just quiet! I'm sure the quietest I'll ever experience the island. And the people were so happy to greet returning tourists. Here are a few of my favorite afternoon scenes from that trip!

Afternoon Arrival

Birds on the Dock at Playa del Sol

Those mattresses were new then!

I'm amazed there were any cocos on the palms post-Wilma.

Sergio's December Post Wilma

Rebuilding the Dock

Navy Docks

December Afternoon on the Beach

Isla Mujeres Skyline 2005

Happy Hour at Sergio's


  1. Great photos as usual, Becky!

  2. That's why I like going to Isla in the summer when there aren't as many tourists. Even though it's hotter, I prefer the slower pace. I especially like your two Sol umbrella shots...SOOO colorful. But I HATE those stupid mattresses...they really junk up the beach IMHO, and I rarely see anyone using them!

  3. I agree about the mattresses Deb. They remind me of the vinyl covered mattresses in hospitals that can really be hot if you're lying on them day after day! I like Isla when it's slow. High season -- not so much! Thanks Deb and Ann.

  4. How well I remember that time period. I remember volunteering and helping to give that fresh coat of paint to many of the buildings downtown. If you haven't already, you should visit my other blog and read the "Wilma" stories. I think you'd like them.

  5. Wayne, I'll look at your other blog because I know I'd like the Wilma stories. By the way, I'm eagerly awaiting the tale of this new adventure!
