Monday, December 29, 2008

My Beach Chair

I think my beach chair's still sitting there empty waiting for me on Anini Beach. It looks a little lonely. I've always wanted to spend Christmas on Kauai. It's never worked out, but maybe some year. I'll put that on my Bucket List!

Christmas in Arizona always seems to be rainy and/or cold. We got both this year. We had some heavy rain just before Christmas, and now the skies are clear and it's crispy cool. The patio is draped with sheets and tablecloths we used to cover the tropical type vegetation for the last two nights. We had overnight lows around 29 degrees, and that's a killer on some of these landscaping plants. I just read the forecast and it's supposed to be back up around 70 during the day this next week. Woo hoo! Not swimming weather, but it's great for spending time outdoors.

On our walk today, we saw a guy taking down his Christmas lights. So I guess the party's almost over! I had a couple of neighbors in Bellevue who used to heave the tree out the door the day after Christmas, but I always wait until January 2. Here's one more Christmas tune and then I promise no more Christmas music! :)


  1. There you go - it's time to start a bucket list. Mine will include visiting more elephants and going to France and/or Italy someday.

  2. Judy, I'll join you on the grand tour of France and Italy! Definitely!
