Sunday, December 28, 2008


While we were in Albuquerque, I stopped by one of my favorite stores -- Jackalope. It's just down the road from the hotel where we stay, so no way I can drive by without stopping! Check out that link because they have great photos of the interior. Be sure and take a look at the About Jackalope link because the owner has an interesting background. Also read the link on the legend of the Jackalope. I can't figure out whether the owner is still smoking the magic weed and pulling our legs?

Joke or not?

Anyway, they have great imports from all over the world with an emphasis on Mexico and Central and South America. Everything from folkart to large furniture pieces. I love their stuff and managed to find a few goodies this trip. I wish I'd had a big bag of money to spend! :)

No, I didn't bring their sign home with me. :)

This paper maiche painted bowl looks great in the kitchen above the cooktop.

I love these door/wall strings. This one's great for Christmas with the stars and bells.

I picked up this rustic star in the garden center.

They had this Christmas wallhanging drastically reduced, so it came home with me!

Here's another one of the strings. This one is little birdies!

If you're ever in the neighborhood, stop in and take a look. They also have stores in Santa Fe, Hollywood, and a couple other locations. One of the clerks told me they have plans for a Phoenix location. That'd be cool! Albuquerque's kind of a long drive!


  1. Looks like an interesting store--I will check out the website when we get home!

  2. Beck, I love the door strings. Think I'll go shopping!

  3. The store looks so interesting--went to the website, but you can't shop there! Only tells you about the merchandise....

  4. I finally noticed than Ann. Too bad because they have so many cool things! I hope they expand to Phoenix soon, but I'm sure they'll wait until the economy's better!

  5. Hi Becky - cute stuff - especially the little bird string. The girl riding the jackalope looks like you or my Aunt Jane.

  6. Funny Judy! Those jackalopes are kind of cute! I think maybe even cuter than elephants! :)
