Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Fifties Christmas

I'm the baby in this photo!

My parents sent these Christmas cards for years. My mother always went on and on about the white angora hat I had on in this photo. You'd think angora equaled mink!

Notice the bride doll next to my drum. Bride dolls were big that year! My brother evidently had cowboy fever. He must have gotten the full outfit to go with his Hopalong Cassidy bedspread.

My brother and I with our two cousins at a family dinner. We usually sat at a children's table in the family room, but Christmas was special.


  1. Those are awesome! I esp loved the one of you and your brother by the tree with him in his cowboy hat. You have a really cute look on your face.

  2. Great photos! I just started scanning a few from the vault of Christmas past in my family--there are so many to look thru!

  3. Aren't you glad you saved those Christmas cards? Fun photos - they bring back memories. I brought back some photos from my parents' house this weekend to scan, too.

  4. Yecky! Aunt Elaine and Aunt Gladys gave me the same bride doll one Christmas. I wonder if it was the same year? They must have had a run on those at Ben Franklin.

  5. What a hoot! It was like looking at my own old family photos! I had a bride doll just like that, too. I think it's the only one I had where I didn't cut the hair off playing beautician. My mom used to get so mad at me for that. lol

  6. Deb, I used to give my dolls bad haircuts too! Poor Betsy Wetsy really had a hair problem. And Jenny, I'm betting it was the Year of the Bride Doll. I'm thinking I was 4 that year because I have another picture of Cynthia Christy (little tiny baby)in the doll bed that same year. She was Jon's age -- so I would have been 4. Thanks everyone!
