Saturday, November 29, 2008

Black Friday

Now I know why they call it Black Friday! Everyone in our household has been sick. I finally succumbed to the dreaded crud on Wednesday. It's really making the rounds here in our area. It starts out with a horrible sore throat, then massive head cold, and who knows from there. Fortunately, I had no plans other than trying to get some exercise -- and I skipped that. I've spent the last two days in a tryptophan/cold medicine daze. Mostly sleeping on the couch!

I started looking at a crafty project that looks like fun for Christmas. I have some antique wooden bowls that have been hiding in the closet since we moved. Here's a decoupage idea I found at Hallmark Magazine online. I think I'll try it with copies of old family pictures, antique postcards, newspaper clippings, and old Christmas cards. If it works well, I might make some memory bowls for Christmas gifts.

Here's another gifty idea that I'm thinking about. There's also a collection of old china teacups lurking on the shelf. This would give those new purpose, and cactuses are readily available down here. :)

On a happy note, after a drenching hail/rainstorm last night, the weather is now crystal clear and beautiful. And everything in Phoenix has been washed clean!

Anyway, life's not such a beach right now. I'm hoping my crud doesn't last as long as Craig's (he's at the two week mark!). If I felt better, it would have been a great day to soak up the sun!


  1. Love the gift ideas! I can use the cactus one down here in Texas. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Great ideas! I might try the bowl one....not tooo many cacti around here!

  3. So Sorry you're sick. We call it 'THE ICK' here. I love the bowl and might try the cup idea with mini bamboo.

  4. Those are both cool, and I like the idea of using bamboo, too. Be sure to show us a few finished products, Beck.

  5. I tried the decoupage and I'll post the results. I made a couple of mistakes, but now I'm ready to make a few gifts.
