Saturday, November 1, 2008

Endless Summer?

Theme from Endless Summer, by The Sandals Band.

People from out of town think Phoenix has an endless summer, but that's not really true. This is Indian summer right now with shorter days and cool nights. The sunrises in the fall are really vivid! In another month, December will give way to much cooler daytime temps and it will stay that way through February. It won't be shorts weather! And temps in the 60's and 70's feel much cooler in the dry desert air. Especially if it's windy!

It's warm and sunny (highs in the low 90's) right now with overnight lows in the 60's. We seize that opportunity to sleep with the windows open! It's great to cover up with a quilt!

Saby's enjoying her time in the sun outdoors now that it's not as hot. She takes after me since we both love the sun!

Some of the plants have gone nuts now that they're not suffering from heat stroke. The torch glow bougainvilleas really seem to do well in the fall.

We don't follow daylight savings time in Arizona, but this weekend marks a big switchover for us. The electric company changes from summer to winter usage rates. Sounds mundane, but it's a big deal since the rates drop significantly in the winter. And now that the night time temps have dropped enough that we're not using much A/C, that damn electric bill will be a lot cheaper! Ahhhhhhhhh.

The forecast for next week includes high's in the 70's and lo 80's, so I think we're turning a corner. Now if it would just stay like this all year long! The only bummer is -- the pool is officially closed until April or May.

Well . . . if you don't mind swimming in 60 or 70 degree water, you're welcome to drop by for a swim! :)


  1. Would take those temps any day. Here in NE we're having crazy weather! last week we had snow; this coming week, it's supposed to be back up into the 60's! I guess that a late Indian summer...

  2. We have similar temps here, and yes, it's refreshing. Last night we even slept with the window and doors CLOSED, it was that 'fresh'. I do like this time of year to escape constant sweat.

  3. Sue, we started keeping our summertime A/C on 80 degrees to conserve, but I love a house that's MUCH cooler than that. So I'm a happy camper right now! And Ann, sometimes it's easy to forget that the rest of the country is having snow and cold temps.
