Friday, October 31, 2008

A Halloween Bag of Tricks!

Trick or treat? Well I think these are the tricks. The first item I'll pull out of my bag is a little silliness from the presidential campaign! Some silliness at this point is a good thing! By the way, just remember it's FAKE!

I always get a lot of Halloween cartoons in my e-mail, so here are a couple of my favorites!

Okay -- THAT one was really scary!

I love all the pets in their Halloween outfits. I've always wanted to dress Saby up for the holiday, but my son has told me he'll sue me for custody if I do that. Ha!

Remember my comments yesterday about my mother always putting nylons over my head in place of a scary mask? This dog evidently has a mama cut from the same cloth!


This one's REALLY creepy!

Pug in tails!

And a Cat Witch!

Happy Halloween! Have a good one! :)


  1. Love the pug! Glad to hear you're not going to dress up The Devine Saby.

  2. Thanks you two! Jeanie, Saby would have any costume off in about five seconds. She manages to get those silly bows and scarves the groomers put on off before I get her home!
