We have friends who recently moved back to Washington State after 7 or 8 years in the desert. In the fall every year once weather back home had declined into a normal pattern of 50 degrees and raining and we were all dining outdoors on the patio in short sleeves and sandals, he'd seize the moment to gloat. And this is why we live here!
I guess he's mostly right. We stick around for the enjoyable fall, winter, and spring. I'll take three months of the oven anytime in exchange for not being caught in a cold winter up north. Summer's something we suffer through here, much like people up north put up with bone-chilling winter. Personally, I'd rather strip off and turn down the A/C rather than bundle up in layers. Then when I finally feel a little bit of 70-something degree chill in the morning air, it's SO wonderful!
Now all of the above being said, if I had my druthers, I'd rather live S.O.B. (that translates to living south of the border, not with an S.O.B.) and gaze at a view like one of these! For now, I can dream.
I love the fall, spring & summers of NE, but would love to be SOB for the winter....hopefully soon!
You are twice blessed! When you travel SOB you can take your SOB with you!
It's so nice to have a Saint On Board, who forgives all your straight line set ups.
Ann, Craig took Saby to the vet today and everyone raved about what fantastic condition she's in for a 14-year old. I can't imagine life without her, but we won't be able to travel SOB for long periods of time unless we find a cheap house/dogsitter!
drgeo, LMAO!
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