I love this old Mexican Coca-Cola table. It looks like a marriage between a metal Coca-Cola folding table -- the type I've seen so many times on Isla Mujeres -- and an old wooden table. Wish it was for sale!

The local Tubac beer joint. An older woman from the trailer court next door came out and watched me taking this photo. I think she was perplexed? Craig referred to a local bar as the beer joint yesterday and we had a laugh over that. That's what we called bars when we were growing up in Kansas, probably because only private clubs could serve anything stronger than 3.2% beer. Was that term common anyplace else in the U.S.?

These paper maiche dolls were very popular, but oh dear, her mama never taught her to sit with her legs together.
I didn't venture into this shop because a bunch of gringos were sitting on the front porch smoking cigars. Too stinky, but I love the sign!

I'm guessing this restaurant serves chicken?

Is there an anglophile in the house?
So much cool stuff! Thanks for sharing!
We called them "beer joints" in the Boston area. Fun to see "package goods" too - a licquor store in New England is often called a "package store", or more familiarly a "packy".
Happy 60th Craig! Two of those grumpy gringos look like David Letterman and Madonna. You think? Fun photos, Beck - great color!
Glad to see that you are getting out and visiting that part of the State. We love SE AZ.
Hope Craig enjoys the Big Six Oh, because the next birthdays are forgettable. Nothing special until the 64th, when you get to hear Paul McCartney's song over and over. Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm...
So of course you bought him a huge fantastic birthday present, right? That antique green pickup maybe? A 1960 red Ferrari is always appropriate on a landmark birthday.
Happy Birthday to Craig! You two can sure find adventure!
Love all your photos. What kind of camera to you use?
Bec....we still call them "beer joints" here...cause thats what they are. lol Enjoy the pic's!
Sounds like beer joints rule! I thought it was just Kansas, but sounds like they're everywhere. drgeo, no new cars for Craig's birthday. He insists he's going to drive his Honda Pilot until it reverts to dust. He wanted a trip to Isla for his 60th, so we're going in mid-June when it's toasty HOT here. Chrissy, we also like Bisbee, but that's an overnighter. Craig wants to drive up Mount Lemon when it gets hotter. And Jeanne, the camera I use now is a Lumix. I like it, but looking back, I love the color saturation from the Kodak before that.
I still call 'em beer joints, but I'm from Iowa :)
Great pictures Beck!
Wishing you many HAPPY DAYS Beck and Craig!
East Farmington (WI, known for beer and cheese) consisted of two beer joints, one antiquated feed mill, and two churches -- until farm folks got all excited about the town's new "Megamall." It's a gas station (fascitiously named by my husband).
Why is East Farmington (on the farthest West side of WI) not named West Farmington? Was this a plot to throw off the Feds, so they couldn't find the farmer's stash during Prohibition? Funny where a mind wanders after retirement!
Have you been to Patagonia yet? Bisbee reminds me alot of Juneau. Both mining towns that boomed at the same time.
Chrissy, we came back through Patagonia on our way home from Bisbee a few years ago. Charming little town. We had lunch at a bakery and I bought a unique pottery piece in one of the shops. I'm ready to go back to Bisbee for a night or two. Maybe when it's insufferably hot here!
Yup! They have beer joints in SC as well (no liquor). We also have "juke" joints!!! (with juke boxes!)
P.S. YES!!! That sign DOES look like David Letterman & Madonna!!! (both whom enjoy cigars occasionally)
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