Barlito has seating inside and out on the street. I'm not sure why, but the first time I looked for Barlito, I wandered up and down and couldn't find it. I was under the misconception that it was located on a corner of Medina up the block from Olivia's. Wrong! It is located on the corner of Hidalgo and Absalo where the small art gallery used to be.

One of Brad's cinnamon rolls. I heard about these from acquaintances before I set food in Barlito. Get there early in the morning because they're very popular! They are hands down the best cinnamon rolls on the island.
In addition, Brad's bagels are just as good! The first morning I visited, I ordered a bagel decorated with cream cheese and ripe tomatoes. Sorry, no picture! I consumed it too quickly!

Barlito's menu changes daily according to the fresh ingredients available on the island. Tiffany also offers samples of her gourmet concoctions to help stave off hunger pains while your order's being prepared. The above is a shot of her chilled chipotle carrot soup. Very tasty!
Oh my gosh! On another visit, I ordered the Greek chicken salad sandwich on Brad's homemade bread for lunch. I ate half of it before I remembered the camera, so excuse the messy photo. I'd be eating at Barlito everyday if I lived on Isla!
My biggest regret is that I didn't snag one of those Barlito brownies or cookies. Next trip!
Be sure and stop by and tell Brad and Tiffany hi for me when you're on the island. And pick up some breakfast or lunch!
I stopped there several times for breakfast & also got bagels & cinnamon rolls to go--to enjoy allday! And it's where we finally met up! great to talk to you if only for a few minutes!
You sold me!
Ann, I really enjoyed running into you! The weather kind of put a damper on meeting you at the tournament check-in. Next time! Jane, the food's great and there are so many choices on the menu!
The only problem with Barlito is that it's so hard to decide what to get because everything sounds so good! Our meal there was fantastic and the brownie was a carbgasm. Gooey...chocolatey...omg. I love Brad and Tiffany, too. They are so talented and kind and adorable. Viva Barlito!!!
Your killing me Bec, I have a weakness for cinnamon rolls, can hardly wait till June!
Ooops anonymous above is me....Karen in OH
Karen, I'm hoping to get back in June! Jana, sometime I'll disclose the story as to why I never ate the brownies or cookies. I was kind of 'off my feed' for a few days and having a hard time eating, so the comfort food at Barlito really hit the spot!
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