I bundled up this weekend in long sleeves, long pants, and a suede coat to brave the chilly fall Chicago winds. It was a welcome relief from the 100 degree temps at home and a nice taste of autumn. If I was home, I'd put on a pot of chili! Maybe I'll dig out the crockpot this next week!
Oops. Forgot. It's not fall yet in Phoenix.
Scarecrows and plenty of fall plants can be viewed around the city.

The purple decorations on this tree coordinate perfectly with autumn oranges.

Gorgeous pots of mums and ornamental grasses line the city streets.

Shoppers bundled up to brave the cool windy weather and view the turning leaves and orange mums along Michigan Avenue.

Even Garrett's has an autumn mix! Cheese and caramel corn combined.

Mums galore, but what's with all the palms I see all over Chicago!

Splashes of harvest along Michigan Avenue.

Even Hershey's in a fall mood.

And this horse-drawn coach is appropriately dressed with an autumn garland.
great photos of fall decorations, Becky!
Great photos, Beck! I am not much of a city person, but your pics make me want to see Chicago!
Thanks Ann! Katalina, we've always lived in suburbs of large cities, so we prefer to vacation at the beach or mountains. But I was really impressed with Chicago. It's a beautiful city.
Thanks for sharing your stroll!!!
Isla Chica
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