The above photo was posted in an article in The Arizona Republic on Sunday. The people in the photo are Neo-Nazis who have set up a base in the Arizona desert patrolling for illegal immigrants and drug traffickers. It's a natural! With Arizona's new illegal's law and its loose cowboy attitude towards guns, it didn't take long for the nuts to show up with their automatic weapons.
I'm astounded. I'm trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I live in a state where extremist militia groups, specifically Neo-Nazis, are being allowed to set up a patrol base on public land -- the Sonoran Desert National Monument. Any state I've lived in before would have presented a show of force to eradicate the thugs instead of viewing them as being helpful to an extent.
Here's a quote from the extremist group's website:
"all non-White immigration must be prevented," according to its website. "We demand that all non-Whites currently residing in America be required to leave the nation forthwith and return to their land of origin: peacefully or by force."
I think the quote speaks for itself. Personally, I'm more worried about running into these folks in the desert than I am illegal immigrants. I don't think we'll be heading out to the Sonoran Desert National Monument for a hike anytime soon!
Read the article. It's enlightening.
I'll be back from Chicago on Monday, hopefully with some new photos and tales from the trip!
Pack your warmies Beck! Seriously, it WILL be 50 degrees cooler than AZ! We live in MI north of Chicago (and get pretty much the same weather), it will be in the low to mid 50s on the weekend. Brrrrr!
Hit Michigan Avenue, always a treat. So much to do in Chicago it is hard to suggest something specific.
Safe travels!
Thanks Jan! I've been making the wardrobe shift because I saw the weekend temps for Chicago. I'm assuming the wind off the lake will make it even cooler in downtown. I'm headed out today to buy a warm shawl to get me from the hotel to the wedding.
Hope you have a good time, Beck. And btw, I'm using Firefox as a browser and can see the word verification here.
Holy Cow, Beck! Arizona really has gone so far off the deep end now I don't even know what to say. Except I'm more and more grateful for my life here in Mexico. Jeez! That is possibly the most astonishing thing I've seen in America in almost 61 years.
Hope your trip is great!
Vee, I did some updates last night, but I still can't see the word verification. Katalina, it's just gotten more and more bizarre since we've lived here. I've read some remarks on message boards telling people to avoid driving through Arizona. I laughed when I read it, but after this article, maybe it's not that far-fetched? One of my African-American friends used to refer to some states as flyovers -- in other words, black people avoided driving through them because of problems. It's too bad the state can't think globally and give some consideration to the message they're putting out to the rest of the world.
White people only? We used to make fun of people in the Southeast who had those hate-filled messages. (Slapping head!) Where are we headed as a nation?
I've been to Chicago once for a Navel Graduation and we went to Navy Pier and walked around Michigan Ave!! Have a great trip!
Chicago - my favorite US city. O'Hare - one of my favorite airports - love the cool tunnel.
Michigan Ave and Navy Pier, yes. Garratt popcorn right there on Michigan Ave - caramel corn - yum!
Also check out the beach just near the end of Michigan Ave and ? (Oprah's apartment is (or was) on the corner there). I like the beach, and there is a walking/jogging path where you can explore more out of the downtown and into the residential areas. You can also take tours - horse and buggy or bus - right from the street, near the Water Tower.
There is a large park - where they hold "Taste of Chicago" every summer - Grant Park.
I haven't been 'in' Chicago other than downtown for a number of years now, so am not sure if the areas I would recommend are still safe...the area near Wrigley field, is one area we used to walk.
Have a great time - Chicago is a fun city.
How the heck do people get away with statements like 'all non-white people' need to go? My gosh...nobody is doing anything to stop them?
Chicago: there is major league shopping on The Miracle Mile, which is Michigan Ave stretching a mile south from the lake. Bloomingdale's, Watertower Place, art galleries. The original State Street (it's a great street) building for Marshall Field's dept store sells very nice chocolate mints. The Chicago Art Institute is the best museum in the midwest for impressionists. Lions flank the entrance, on the other side of the Chicago River (dyed green for St Paddy's day) from Miracle Mile on Michigan Ave. Ferris Buehler took a day off and was in a parade down Michigan Avenue. Chew some gum when you pass the Wrigley building next to the river. And what used to be called the Sears Tower has new and improved glass bump outs (even glass floors!) on the 103 floor observation deck. Chicago pizza has a thick crust deep dish pie. There are web sites arguing about the best Chicago pizza (Bricks vs Malnati's vs Gino's...) but there is a decent version right on Miracle Mile named Pizzeria Uno. Say hi to Al Capone for me, and if you go to Union Station, beware of a woman taking a baby carriage down the stairs because Elliot Ness and the Untouchables can't be far behind.
You all are great! I'm going to get up tomorrow morning and take a walk! Got checked into the hotel about 3 p.m. When I got onto the elevator to go to my room, a very enthusiastic innocent man with his college age son piped right up with his Swedish accent and blurted out, "My name is Peter from Sweden and we just arrived. We're staying in room 1110." That kind of open friendliness really took me by surprise. I told him I'd just arrived too, but didn't offer my room number. HA! It was so nice walking down Michigan Ave. this afternoon with a sweater on! Imagine that, a place where you need a sweater!!!!
And Laurie, where ARE we headed as a nation? Back to the early 60's? It's really sad.
I have nothing to add to the great Chicago list, but do have a comment regarding the idiots in Arizona.
I bet they don't realize that Iranians are actually of the Arayan (white) race!!!
Isla Chica
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