Michael left yesterday in his tech van for the Bob Hope Classic in Palm Springs. He does setup and then the tournament starts next week. He's unsure whether he likes the new wrap on his wagon, but I thought it was pretty cool. It was formerly black, but parts of the wrap blew off coming back from Palm Springs in December. Oops!

I'm hoping he'll check the Ecco outlet while he's there and get me a replacement for my new birthday sandals I ruined on Isla. I managed to get most of the smell out (from slogging around in the flooded streets that week), but the harsh stuff I soaked them in made them look a little road worn. They'll still be good as my Isla beachcombing/walking sandals, but I bet that smell comes back!
Craig's in Orlando this week, so I'm Saby's new walker. Actually, I always take the morning shift, but he usually handles the evening. She almost took me down on her walk last night. Some neighborhood idiots, a father and little kid, leash their unruly dogs to their bikes and take them out for runs in the street. Saby went nuts when she saw the large pitbull mix running at her on a long leash. About the time I got her under control, the little kid came by with their other large dog cavorting back and forth in the street and I almost bit the grass. Craig's mentioned it before, so I guess I know now not to take her on a 5 p.m. walk.
I think I'll use the Fabuloso this morning and reclaim the house, then I have movie plans in the afternoon. I'm enjoying having the house all to myself again! : )
We can't walk our dogs during "rush hour" either, Beck. And although they're pretty small, they pull harder than you'd think! One of my dogs hates thunder, too, or any loud noise - heads under the bed. Around here, thunderstorms in winter mean snow in a few days, but guess not where you are.
Vee, no snow here. Although, we did get a dusting the first winter we lived here. I wish Saby would get under a bed, but I think she's too high profile! : ) She shakes and sheds all over the place when she's scared!
Rafe doesn't like thunder either--he goes into our downstairs bathroom/laundry rm & curls up around the toilet! I think because it's fairly small he feels safer
I like the new wrap on the van. Funny Craig just got back from Orlando and that's where I'm headed today.
I hope I have a warmer week this week than he had last week.
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