Seaglass is tugging at me again. We're not big into Christmas shopping for each other anymore, but I saw a book on Amazon that I was dying to have. Pure Seaglass! So I decided to just buy my own gift, wrap it up, and put it under the tree.

If the sun, moon, and stars all fall into alignment, we may get to take a little beach trip! Craig's discovered he may have some time off at the last minute over the Christmas holidays, and Michael will still be working in this area, so he could babysit Miss Saby. It doesn't involve a tropical locale, but I'm looking into someplace within six hours where we can get some beachcombing time. What's that poem by John Masefield -- I must go down to the seas again . . . ? It truly IS an obsession!
I've also discovered online seaglass communities out there one can join to share information about crafts, best seaglass beaches, etc.... I was on a seaglass board the other day and read a comment from a member that she'd hunted Playa Media Luna on Isla Mujeres for seaglass and found nothing but trash. That amazed me. Everything in this tray and more was picked up on that beach in two short trips up and down it after Hurricane Ida passed. I wish I'd gotten out there earlier because I waited until the next morning! I guess one person's trash is another person's treasure!

Can't wait to get back out there on the hunt!
I always buy my own Xmas gift--Alan is not a shopper--his idea is to go out on the 24th to a jewelry store & buy whatever they suggest--I've ended up with several similar things that way! I know it goes against the woman cde, but I'd rather get camera equipment!
I always find great shels 7 glass at Media Luna!
Ann, I started buying my own Christmas gifts years ago. I'm with you. I don't want pricey jewelry! And I think the woman who posted the comment about no seaglass on Media Luna must have either been blind or on the wrong beach. Maybe she was on Playa Norte? They have beach workers everyday now that rake and clean the beaches, so I doubt there was trash!
I am definitely going to have to check out the sea glass on my next trip...I've never really looked for it before. Is the Media Luna beach the best place to find it?
Beck, that's the Sea Glass book I have and I LOVE it. Let me know what you think.
Deb, Media Luna is pretty good. We also found lots down below the sea wall along the malecon. There are steps at intervals that allow you to go down there. I really think the stretch from Media Luna to the Rocamar is better than the airport strip for larger pieces of seaglass, but I didn't get out to that area this trip. And Jana, I'll let you know what I think. Hopefully I'll be taking the book on a road trip with me! : )
I had never really heard of Sea Glass until you were writing about it on this last trip. Now I'm going to have to go and see if I can identify some on my trip down there.
Hope you have a nice trip to the beach over Christmas. It must be closer to home from the sound of it.
Hi, this is David from Odyssey Sea Glass. You have great photos and comments on all your blogs! I really appreciated the comments here on Isla de las Mujeres.
Unfortunately, we haven't been able to check it out ourselves and the only comments we have seem to negate each other. If we could get some other ones, especially with a photo like the above, it sure would help with accurate information.
Just go to and enter your photo, or if you just want to comment, enter "media luna sea glass" into Google and you'll see the comment page link.
Thank you so much in advance and keep up the great blogs!
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