Remains of Rosa de Lima chapel on the road to Puerta de Luna.

Down the same road as the church, there were some small houses of interest. One had an artsy flair (that's being kind) with an old Conoco sign out front.
Old hovel.
As I was taking photos of the local color, a shit-kickin' large black dog came barreling down the road. We normally keep the windows locked, but Craig had unlocked so I could snap pictures from inside the car. So Saby, in her excitement, rolled her back window down and was hanging out whining and carrying on. (Yes, the Wonder Dog CAN hit the button and roll her window down.) Anyway, the big black dog was barking, gnashing teeth, growling, jumping around -- you get the picture. So it was a moment of panic getting Saby securely back inside the window and getting the hell out of there! Nothing like attracting a LOT of attention when you're taking photos in a 'rustic' neighborhood. Tee hee.
We moved on down the main road in search of the town square. I was thinking quaint shops, a bakery stop, some photo ops of historic buildings, etc... We never found it. I did see one other residence of note before we decided to cut our losses and head back to the interstate.

While the Pecos River valley was beautiful, this little village was what I would call 'off the map'! I read a description of Puerta de Luna online again and I'm sure we missed something. It describes an old courthouse, square, and historic adobe buildings. The description and name sounded so intriguing, but I'm still marking Puerta de Luna off the retirement list.
No offense -- Puerta de Luna-ites!
Thank goodness you got out of there! Imagine if it started to get dark or the horror of all horrors.....you had to pee!
At least you've narrowed the list by one, Beck!
LOL Jeanie, I never thought about the pee factor! One would be SOL. And Vee, it's definitely been narrowed by one. That place was what I was talking about when I said New Mexico is fairly hard scrabble poor out in the rural areas.
What great pictures...I love those kinds of areas. Love the Conoco sign! I'm gonna have to take some time to do a road trip out there one of these days. Keep on posting!
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