Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Carnaval: The Sunday Parade

I waited over two hours for the Carnaval parade.  You waited a week for my photos!  I told you manana, but what that really means in Mexico is not tomorrow

Once the parade started, it flowed like clockwork.  Floats and dancers with performers of all ages!

It took me awhile to realize this was a Star Wars themed float.

An adorable queen of the float! 

Shake it girls! 

They practice their dance routines for months leading up to Carnaval and the costumes are amazing!

I love the healthy attitude towards body image in Mexico.  Beauty comes in all ages, shapes, and sizes.  I hope this never changes!

Another young queen.  She's beautiful!

These girls are loving it!

 But it's been a long day!
Love the colorful costumes!

These guys may have been hydrating with something other than water, but they're still rockin' the routine!

We were so happy to be on Isla Mujeres this year to experience Carnaval!  We never made it through any late nights in the square, but by golly, we stuck it out for the parade!

Hasta luego!

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