Thursday, March 23, 2017

Murals Everywhere

Back in the early years of our travels to Isla Mujeres, I was fixated on taking photos of political ads on walls. If you look carefully, you can still see the names of past El Presidentes on old walls around the island.

The island's evolved and now it's a game to search out new murals to photograph every trip.  Some of these have been around for awhile, but I just happened upon them my last two visits to the island.

I'm a Frida lover.  This mural's at Tres Mentiras on Hidalgo, a great place to imbibe Isla Mujeres Brewing Company beer and eat street tacos! 

Part of a lovely mural painted on the courtyard wall at the Rocamar.

Jenny Penny's been painted with a new mural!  Love it!

This lovely mural's finished now.  The artist was painting it when I was on the island in November/December.

I'm not sure if this is a banner or a mural, but its placement gave me a good laugh.  The King of Kings in the cemetery now presides over a Coco Loco business.

Mural on the Medina side of the airport.

Mural on a casa in El Centro.

Sidewalk murals.

Mural on the wall by the cultural center.

Mural on Casa D Ghetto or Casa D Chetto in El Centro.

More Tres Mentiras artwork.
Mural on a Juarez casa.
This one's on the malecon side of the Cultural Center.
Another on the Medina side of the airport.
Mural on the side of a colonia casa.

The steps.

Tres Mentiras.
Craig's favorite mural.
I know I'm in trouble for that last one!  It's a cloudy blustery day in Arizona, so I need a laugh!

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