Saturday, December 17, 2016

Day is Done, Gone the Sun.

Today I'm posting some of the December sunsets from my recent Isla trip.  Where I photographed them depended on how far I made it on my mad dash to the other side of the island on foot or by taxi.  It's harder for me to catch a sunset this time of year since it's a little earlier!

This is my favorite sunset of the trip taken through the Isla Mujeres fish arches.  (At least that's what I call them!)

Sun worshippers linger on the Posada del Mar beach while the beach guys gather loungers and sombrillas. 

We walked into town this evening.  We made it to the beach across from the Navy base right as the sun was setting.

Serendipity!  I just happened to catch this couple in the foreground waiting for the sun to drop.

Another night we were craving Barlito's smoked buffalo wings with blue cheese dip.  Happy Hour at Barlito was wonderful with the smoked wings and grouper fish and chips. The sunset at Marina Paraiso was gratis!
Going . . . going . . . .
Day is done, gone the sun.

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