Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Sunday Lost and Found

I keep getting 5 a.m. text messages on my phone from Yahoo with on demand passwords that I'm not requesting.  Like many people, I have a long abandoned Yahoo email that I created years ago and someone's evidently trying to hack it.  Early this morning when the text alarm once again woke me up, a mental flashcard with Flickr on it raced across my brain.

I wonder what happened to those Flickr online albums?  I think that's why I created the Yahoo account.  Would I still be able to access my old photos?

Why yes.  Here's a blast from the past from the Isla Mujeres lost and found.

This lavanderia is still there.  Can you guess where?

This house has been repainted and many people pass it on their way to Playa Norte.
This casa on Juarez had a brand new paint job.

I'm not sure if this shop is still there.  I'll check on my next trip to Isla Mujeres!

A tienda in the market.

Look how empty the docks were!  I think these pics were taken in November 2009.  The port was closed for days with a small craft warning, and then this happened.

That's the boil from Hurricane Ida -- another 5 a.m. wakeup alarm!

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