Monday, January 4, 2016

Journey to a Hole in the Wall.

Didn't some wise person say -- it's not the destination, it's the journey?  Maybe on this part of our Sunday journey, it was the destination since we were headed to Hole in the Wall, an outpost bar on the side of a canal in Jonesville, Roatan.

Oh oh oh!  When I saw the boat above, I wanted to ride in that one!  I soon realized with all the museum curated displays and stuffed animals hanging from the roof that it must be part of Roatan's wooden boat museum.

Alas, we were destined to ride with our friendly informative Captain (his name now eludes me) in the Happy Landing, a super dooper seaworthy old wooden boat that swayed from side to side with any small movement or shift of weight from its passengers.  For a sum of $25 apiece, he would transport us to the Hole in the Wall restaurant/bar and give us a tour of the canals and mangroves in the Oakridge/Jonesville area of Roatan.

As we boarded, we were told to sit exactly in the center of each row (unless we wanted to go for a swim).  It reminded me of a canoe with a motor!  I was thinking positive thoughts that Happy Landing = Happy Ending!

After several attempts by Captain Morgan to start the sputtering motor, we were off on our adventure.  Ever heard that song "Papa goin' fishin', Mama goin' fishin', rockin' in a wooden boat?  Papa's choice of t-shirts on Sunday was extremely unfortunate because everyone behind him (just me and Junior, our taxi driver) were destined to look at that Arrogant Bastard the entire trip.

Along the way, we saw lots of fishing boats and colorful homes.  Evidently the owner of Twitter has allowed his yacht to become a rust bucket.  Who would have thought!

I'll save the bulk of my boat tour photos for another post since this one is actually about the destination.  Or is life supposed to be about the journey?  Now I'm confused!

I think these homes along the canal are in Oakridge, but then again, it could be Jonesville (which was supposedly a settlement where everyone belonged to the Jones family).  I snapped 300 photos with three different cameras during tour day, so my facts may be faulty!

After a rockin' ride in the wooden boat (and I mean that literally), I saw an oasis in the distance.  Could it be the famous Hole in the Wall?

We have arrived!

 The famous Hole in the Wall bar! 

The place was completely decked out in the rustic chic that is so popular now.  They were even playing bowling on the big screen in the lounge!  If only it'd been the Seahawks game, Craig might have paid the captain to come back for us in three hours!

Soon after we'd consumed our lobster burgers, more arrivals pulled in to tie up.  Best boat award goes to a tiny homemade barge on pontoons with occupants relaxing in two white plastic loungers anchored to the deck.  They have a $25 buffet on Sunday's with conch soup and all the seafood you can eat.  It really pulls 'em in!

More dock decor!  You can leave your name anywhere with a magic marker if you like!

They evidently heard the clothesline queen was coming because they even had a nice display out back in my honor!

Stay tuned!  I'll post more photos from the wooden boat/mangrove tour later.


  1. What a fun place!! Had to laugh at Craig's shirt. Have so enjoyed your tour of Roatan!

  2. We went on the same adventure! Have you been to the Iguana farm?

  3. Thanks Janet! Mike, we didn't go to the iguana farm. We went to a place called Maya Gardens instead. We ran an iguana feeding station last summer on Isla. LOL Maybe we should have gone to the Iguana Farm. Those iguanas appear to be huge from the ads I've seen! Maybe next trip!
