Sunday, December 13, 2015

Operation Bootcamp

Let me just start by saying we're way up high in the trees.  Really, it's a jungle out there!

We awoke this morning to loud screeching.  What is that sound???  After seeing huge red birds in flight, I googled Roatan birds and realized the noise was coming from scarlet macaws.  Huge parrots!

Listen to this and you'll get the idea. 

After watching macaws in flight and eating breakfast, it was time to explore.  We applied deet to our legs and strapped on our walking sandals.  The gorgeous seaview from our outdoor screened living room comes with a price.  The hike out of here isn't for sissies. 

Evidently, the Sheriff lives right below us.  We heard him arguing with the macaws this morning. Fortunately, we haven't had the pleasure of his acquaintance yet, but he's evidently legendary.

Once we climbed down the steep hill below us and up and down another one, we reached the beach and turned to the left. I figured it'd be an easy stroll along the shore to West Bay after that.  Uh -- not quite.

Craig took the lead.  I wanted to make sure it was structurally solid.
 At least the view up top was pretty.  (Our casa for the month is up on that hill.)
The walk to West Bay beach was fairly uneventful after that climb. 
We walked along the waterfront until we reached Beachers.

There we plopped down at a table and ordered a fried whole red snapper and two rum punches.  The downstairs neighbors were strolling by and stopped to join us for awhile.

No frozen basa here!  This fish was seriously delicious!

We finally left the bar and walked to the end of the beach to scout out the snorkeling.  

Then it was time to repeat the grueling walk home.  Back down the beach, over the bridge, and back up that damn hill. 
Craig's already talking about renting a car.  LOL

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