Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Wild

I said I wouldn't update the blog until we landed in Roatan, but the location we're in now is fairly spectacular. 

No, we're not in Mexico.  We're 1,418 miles north!  I need to check Cheryl Strayed's book Wild again to see what happened in this area of her hike on the Pacific Crest Trail.

We parked at a trailhead for the Pacific Crest Trail and strayed into the wild to the main attraction, Burney Falls.  I love the benches scattered along the steep up and down loop path.  Each features a famous quote.  This one's particularly appropriate.

Burney Creek is actually a dry bed leading into this area and the falls are fed by underground springs.  What a spectacular sight!

We loved the journey so much, we returned the next day with my brother, sister-in-law, and niece.  For the sound effects, click the video below.


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