Sunday, September 20, 2015

To Do List

Many travelers come to Isla Mujeres with a to do list.  Me -- not so much. 

Walking round town taking photos is more my style.
 For more active types, there's beach volleyball on Medina.

Or a sail round the island.  I think this daytripper cruise probably originates in Cancun, but there are boat trips to Contoy and evening sunset cruises for people staying on Isla.

Adventurous types can try the zipline at Garrafon! 
Here's two fun activities.  A snorkeling cruise and loading the boat!  I imagine some customers are more fun to load than others, but it's definitely not a boring job.  Wink wink.
There's also fishing. The guys at the dock named every one of these fish for me, but I didn't take notes.
So many things to do, or you can just walk around taking photos of clotheslines!
I'm not always a slug.  I'm headed to the pool this morning to walk on water.  After all, it is Sunday!


  1. I recently came across your blog and I love it! Visiting different beaches is one of my hobbies!

    So Cool.

    Robby Lyons

  2. Thanks for visiting the blog and commenting Robby!
