Friday, September 11, 2015

Flyin' the Freak Flag: Clothesline Hunt 2015

Once again, it's time for the clothesline review.  This trip, we had a little helper who came along for the ride.

First, a little biography of our clothesline hunt assistant.  Sparky, a male Mexican Lowrider, enjoys walks with Bowser, eating Tommy's food, saltwater dips, lounging on the lido deck, long rides in the golfcart, lots of petting and hugs, and just about everything else that happens any given day.  We also discovered his acute ability to sniff out clotheslines in the colonias.  That was his ticket to ride.

Slow down Craig!  We've got a grande on the right!  Please excuse the blur.  The man would not stop.
Stripes and Hawaiian prints.  Fashionista alert!
We love people who aren't afraid to just hang it out front!  Saves getting out of the cart.
Then we have the shy types who hide on a rooftop so mama needs a zoom.
More roof hangers.  It's got to be a little tricky with those wet clothes and electrical lines.
Ahhh.  More front porch types.  They make it so easy!
The Big Daddy!  Stop the cart!  These people are serious about laundry day.
Drum roll.  The grand finale!  Bleached with a touch of floral!
For more information on clothesline fetishes, click the link.  Unfortunately at this time, there is no known cure.


  1. Love the clothesline photos! We are living in Playa del Carmen at the moment and hang our clothes out on our rooftop deck (no electrical lines nearby, fortunately). LOVE the freshness of line-dried clothes. I enjoy seeing other folks' clothes hung out as well!

  2. Emily, glad to know you're on to another adventure! I hang my swimsuit and beach towel over a chair on the patio, but that's about all I can get away with in our HOA neighborhood. I'm looking forward to some clothesline peeping in Roatan in December. Thanks for commenting!

  3. Ah, looking forward to your photos AND your take on Roatan vs. Isla. Have heard mixed reviews so I am always curious to read other's opinions!

  4. Great pics Becky! Sparky and Tommy send their love..... Looking forward to your pics from Roatan. Cheers Lynda & Lawrie, Isla Mujeres

  5. Emily, I also get mixed reviews whenever I ask advice. A woman I know from Isla Mujeres names it as her top island, so we decided to give it a whirl. We have a lot of time on our hands now, so what the heck!

    Lynda, we miss both our furry friends. I'd say it's an indication we should get another dog, but it's nice being footloose for awhile! Hope to be back to Isla soon after Roatan!
