Thursday, August 27, 2015

Beachin' It Northwest Style

When a friend heard we were going to Whistler in August, she had to comment.  You DO know you can't ski there this time of year! 

Oh geez, whatever shall we do?  Let me see.  Hiking, biking, canoeing, kayaking, ziplining, riding the gondola, dining, shopping, fishing, and even the beach!

Lost Lake's one of the main beach venues in Whistler. This palapa umbrella gives it a tiny tropical touch.  Close your eyes and dream you're -- chilling on a cold Canadian beach?

I didn't even stick my big toe into Lost Lake.  The water's fairly frigid, but I guess that's why Canadians can hop right into 70 degree water down in the tropics in the winter without blinking an eye.)

We've always heard there was a nude beach on Lost Lake.  After I took this photo of the dock around the corner from the main beach, Craig told me there were nudies.  Ha!  Finally found it!

Besides sunbathing and polar dipping, people also paddle canoes and kayak on the many lakes in the area.

Kayaks lined up at the dock on Alta Lake.

Lily pads on Alta Lake in Whistler.

More beautiful flowers at the lake.

Oh Canada!  Gotta love it when the temps in Arizona are way over 100!

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