Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Down Sac Bajo Way

We took a spin down Sac Bajo yesterday.  It hasn't changed much with the exception of the Zoetry sign replacing the Villa Rolandi insignia.  It's still one big coconut/seashell/trinket stand!

I've always loved the little purple cottages.

And this door.

The pace is slow.  Is this a crab liberation sign?  LOL

 Richard Sowa's floating island still appears intact.  He's had quite a run with no big hurricanes since Wilma in 2005.

The funniest sight was the performer across from the new Ice Bar gyrating wildly to a boom box to try and attract customers. I did not capture his act.

On the way back, I totally missed the picture of the day due to the fact that Craig does not slow for photos.  It's always the man's fault.  The trash truck was stopped in front of the Ice Bar entrance.  The garbage man on the tippy top of the truck was dancin' like there's no tomorrow to the tune blasting from the performer's boom box.  His face was one gigantic grin!

How I wish my eye was a camera lens and I could blink and capture the moment!

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