Monday, June 1, 2015

An Isla Street Primer

Well, not really a primer, since I can't ever remember the names of side streets.  Today I thought I'd post some photos of street life on Isla for those who haven't been to the island.

Basket man headed down Juarez to the beach in the morning.  Juarez, between Medina and Hidalgo, is a mixture of residential and shops.

The fruit cart passing between Rolandi's and Compadres on Hidalgo at lunch time.  Hidalgo, lined with shops and restaurants, is a pedestrian walkway (so please don't drive a golfcart down it).

Someone's headed to the ferry early.  See the bags in the malatero's trike on Rueda Medina?

Once upon a time, there was a shop named Digame on Guerrero where we used the phones and internet to stay in touch back home.  Not sure if it's still in business.  Love how the Bug matches the building.

Got fruit?  Hope I see this truck (on Juarez in this photo) in a month!

Dear Fidel, an island icon who passed last year, biking down Juarez.

The scene in front of the Catholic Church in La Gloria on a Sunday.

Headed up the hill between Medina and Juarez towards the Rocamar.

Noon rush with school girls and a beer delivery on the corner of Hidalgo and Matamoros.

The famous Jeep bakery at the end of Hidalgo by the cemetery.

Sorry, but I wanted a funny ending.  And no, he's not giving away free toilets (on Rueda Medina).

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