Sunday, May 17, 2015

Do Not Close to the Cliff!

I didn't heed the warning sign -- Do Not Close to the Cliff.  Last June I fell off and it's taken me almost a year to regain my sassy, but I am so over it!

Today it suddenly hit me that I have a month's worth of barely used photo files from May/June 2014. I found a big grab bag full of surprises!

Notice all the mojitos lined up on this counter at Varadero?  They're waiting for my summer return!



  1. Figuratively or literally off the cliff?!

  2. I knew someone was going to think I fell off that cliff! LOL Three months with a serious respiratory problem last summer that could not be diagnosed, then the last six months healing from a knee replacement I had when my lungs were good enough for surgery. I'm great now except for the other knee, but I'm going to ignore that until I can't walk! LOL
