Sunday, March 8, 2015

Little Surprises

Isla Mujeres is in a mural state of mind.  In addition to the large murals that were painted last year on buildings and walls, little surprises are cropping up all over in nooks and crannies.

Free the fish!

This wall painting's not new.  Can anyone guess where?

This wall looks official.  The art sometimes kicks up a notch when you park something in front.

Actually, I like Tarzan's jip with this background better.  Now all we need is the yell and a Jane!

An ode to kitties?

This mural covers the entrance to the Mercado.

Graphics creep up a stairway on Juarez.

The motos blend with the mural.

Mural in progress on a little casa across from the downtown cemetery.

Holiday mural on the side of a house on Juarez.

I'm liking mural fever!


  1. I love all the murals! I missed the one of the seahorses in progress. It was fun walking around & discovering them.

  2. So glad to see you on Isla! I need to get the map so I find all of the official ones next trip!

  3. I looked at the Pangaseed website & made a list ( and searched Islaholics for the posts by Jax & Robert Miller. If I brought the list home, I will email it to you.
    Great to see you too!
