Sunday, February 15, 2015

No Tequila Sunrises

Every trip to Paradise, I vow not to miss a sunrise. I only woke up for one this entire trip, and it wasn't worth the photo!  So no tequila sunrises!

The good news is we managed to take in a lot of sunsets.  It was easier since we were staying at Villas San Miguel in town across from the zocalo.  The island's only a few blocks wide in that area, so we could quickly hop to the docks for sunset photos.  (Okay, hop's an exaggeration with the new knee.)

Here's a progression of my favorite sunsets from the docks in January.



  1. The one with the Olmec head in the foreground is quite wonderful!

    As are all of them, but in particular, that one is great......

  2. I'm just the opposite--ususally see the sunrise & miss the sunset--esp. this year because of the time change! So thanks for sharing these!
