Friday, June 20, 2014

Red White Black

Isla's not all blue!  I noticed a recurring pattern in some of my photos, so thought I'd share.

I've had a lot of time to mull patterns the last week and a half.  We've had a hard reentry from Paradise.  We contracted the Mary Jane Super Strain at a birthday party a few days after passing through immigration. Most accidents really do happen less than a block from home!

Red, white and black with denim. Black and white stripes are really in this year!  The guy on the left is a friend of a friend known as Tiburon.  He's been a fixture in the Hidalgo shops since we first arrived on the island.

A friend showed me this spot years ago.  He loves to sit here on the stone benches in the late afternoon catching sun on his face and watching the boats.  It's behind the taxi stand on the docks.  Breaking news! They were drilling out the stone benches while we were there.  No more sitting.

Spot's siesta.  (Not to be confused with fiesta.)

I wanted to snap a photo of this car on the narrow cobbled streets in town, but no luck.  I hope he got the top up because it rained a lot!

Armada Day!  This officer was headed to the boats from the Navy base to join the flotilla.  This area of Medina was lined with dignitaries' cars and their drivers/security.

A malatero's trike.

A little Spanish lesson.  Buzon = mailbox!

The national drink of Mexico.  It's common to see workers carrying a 2 liter bottle with their lunch.

All I can say is I'm chicken and don't like pain.

I don't think I've seen this boat before.  Good marketing plan!

Two Z-pak's and 10 days later, we may wrap ourselves in yellow caution tape and leave the quarantined area for dinner tonight!  Maybe tomorrow I can join the flotilla in the pool!


  1. Blue is a sacred color to the Mayans as it denotes the sky and the sea. That's why you see so many buildings with those colors throughout the Yucatan and other areas of great Mayan population.
    Love your photos. I'm with you. I'm not into pain and can't fathom having a tattoo.

  2. Thanks Babes! I did not know that about blue, but it makes sense!

  3. Nice boat. I use to compete in sailboat races.
