Friday, June 27, 2014

Everyday People

This moto and cart with mom, dad, and baby girl was headed south in the colonias.

The two brothers are still playing for tips.

Passing Guadalupana, we noticed kids running out of their houses down the sidewalk and stopped.  Regalos! What a happy day! People in a cart (looks like it was decorated for the regatta parade?) were handing out toys.

They're young and it was raining.  What scares me is that they're barefoot!  Ick.

Strolling Hidalgo.

This man spent more than a day trimming all the coco palms where we stay.  Machete, rope, and a ladder. Fronds and cocos come down, then the cocos are carried away to sell.  The less desirable are laid out by the street and people on motos pull up, have a friendly conversation, and take one or two.  Late in the afternoon, we returned to the house and he was sleeping under the tree.  Hard work!

These guys deliver water garrafons.  Set the empty blue container out front on the porch with the correct number of pesos and they do the exchange.  Agua purificada.

Cute little girl headed up Juarez with mom.

A musician headed to a gig on the mainland?

Rainy day people.

Let's twist again, like we did last summer!

Ay yi yi!  Bet he gets dizzy riding that bull all day chasing that turtle!

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